Category Archives: Sport

London 2012 Women’s Road Race

With a weather system that flip-flopped between sunny/warm and rainy/cold I waited on a convenient bend in Kingston upon Thames to see the women’s road race whoosh by. As luck would have it the heavens opened and lightning flashed and I just had to expose my camera to the elements as the whole event is all over before you know it. Again I used my 70-200mm and was lucky enough to get shots of the lead group of Marianne Vos, Lizzi Armitstead and  Olga Zabelinskaya. As it happened they were in the same order as the final medals. Well done ladies……

London 2012 men’s road race

Richmond Park was packed to watch the 2012 London Olympics men’s road race. 250km in around 5 hours and 40 minutes. Starting at The Mall by Buckingham Palace, the race travels via Hampton Court, Kingston and Richmond Park. After hanging around for 2 hours in the sun the group of riders were past in seconds which means fast reactions with the camera. I chose the 70-200mm so was limited to close shots as room was tight with the road barriers close to the riders. very enjoyable. Unfortunately, team GB failed to gain any medals but they did a fantastic job. Well done.